Lab book: practice exercises for ch 2, maybe ch 3
Lecture book: ch 3, section A - C
Do the QuickChecks at the end of each section
Quiz next time we meet (two sundays from now):
everything from prev quiz until last week's material
that includes some basic HTML
also, Ch 1 in the lecture book
freeware, open source software
open source = they give you the source code = the instructions written in some programming language
find, create, publish open source software for free
more HTML
a is for anchor
we finished HTML links on w3schools
anatomy of a URL:
Uniform Resource Locator
hypertext transfer protocol
webclient and webserver communicate in this http protocol
it is secure
bank websites
domain indicates the computer
www.google.com is a domain
qc.cuny.edu is a domain
port is a number, for most websites, optional
scheme, or protocol, is the way we define the structure of the information
web technologies
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