Sunday, December 11, 2011

SELECT Customers.FirstName, Customers.LastName, Accounts.Balance, Branch.Location
FROM Branch INNER JOIN (Customers INNER JOIN Accounts ON Customers.[CID] = Accounts.[CID]) ON Branch.BID = Accounts.BID
WHERE (((Branch.Location)="Central"))
ORDER BY Customers.LastName;

SELECT * From Accounts, Customers

This will give me the Cartesian Product of the
two tables

SELECT * From Accounts, Customers
WHERE Accounts.CID = Customers.CID

This is called an INNER JOIN

SELECT * From Accounts, Customers, Branch
WHERE Accounts.CID = Customers.CID
Branch.BID = Accounts.BID

[SalePrice]/[SqFeet] AS PricePerSqFt

as part of the field list in a Select Query

[SaleSPrice]/[SqFeet] AS PricePerSqFt

Instead of
WhERE BID="b5"

Where BID=[TheBranchIDISupply]

Serial Numbers in Excel, Access?
the way we handle dates and times
dates are whole number offsets from Jan
0, 1900

times are fractions of whole numbers

Test 2:
Query 4:
Select Title, PublDate, LastName, PubName
From Book, Author, Publisher
WHERE Book.AuthorCode = Author.AuthorID
And Book.PubID = Publisher.PubID
And PubName="Wiley"
Order By Title Asc

And PubID = "WI"

Diff types of wildcards

Begins with: G*
Ends with: *ing
Contains: *Excel 2007*

SELECT [Waxman Commissions].LastName, Sum([Waxman Commissions].SalePrice) AS Fred, Avg([Waxman Commissions].MarketDays) AS AvgOfMarketDays, Sum([Waxman Commissions].Commission) AS SumOfCommission
FROM [Waxman Commissions]
GROUP BY [Waxman Commissions].LastName;

Practice Access Exam Walkthrus

Practice Access Exam 1

Practice Access Exam 2

Sunday, December 4, 2011

To create a query, you can use a Wizard + Design View to further modify the query.

OR, you can just write it directly in

SELECT * From Books

Where Clause

SELECT Title, Year, ListPrice, Publisher
From Books
Where Publisher="Prentice Hall"


SELECT Title, Year, ListPrice, Publisher
From Books
Where Publisher Like "Prentice?Hall"
Order By ListPrice Desc

First use the wizard to choose Table(s)
and fields. Then, add sorting and criteria
in design view.

SELECT Books.Title, Books.Year, Books.ListPrice, Books.Publisher
FROM Books
WHERE (((Books.Publisher)="Prentice Hall"))
ORDER BY Books.ListPrice DESC;

Query 2:
Select Title, Author, Year, ListPrice
From Books
Where Author Like "G*"

Begins with. G*
Ends with. *ing
Contains. *Excel*

SELECT Books.[ISBN], Books.[Title], Books.[Author], Books.[Year], Books.[ListPrice]
FROM Books
WHERE (((Books.[Author]) Like "G*"));

Query 3:
Select Title, Year, ListPrice, Publisher
From Books
Where Year >= 1995 Or ListPrice > 25
Order By Year Desc

Query 4:
Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsOnOrder
From Products
Where (UnitsOnOrder=0) And (UnitPrice>=50 And UnitPrice<=100)

Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsOnOrder
From Products
Where UnitsOnOrder=0 And UnitPrice Between 50 100
Practice Access Exam 2.
Practice Access Exam 1.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

what would a database system look like if it were NOT relational

1) a lot of repeated data
2) inconsistent data

related tables

CustID on the Customer Table is a primary key
uniquely identifies a record

OrderID on the Orders Table is a primary key
uniquely identifies a record

benefits of a relational database:
1) smaller database, no repeated data
2) consistent data

BillCustId and ShipCustID are foreign keys
match up with primary key of another table

What if I have 1 million records and I want to search for "Josh Waxman" as the name? How long will it take, on average, to find that record?

Why will it take 5 minutes? Sequential search.
(n^2 +n)/2
divide by n to get average
(n+1)/2 is the average

with 1 million records, sequential search will take (n+1)/2, or 500,000 time units, on average

within the CS department, there is a course called Analysis of Algorithms. Algorithm: a recipe for solving a problem.

Binary search would be much faster. But needs items to be in sorted order.

It is like the high-low game.
mid = (top + bottom)/2
if num looking for is more:
  top = mid + 1

if num looking for is less:
  bottom = mid - 1

we can either have a sorted list Or we can have Binary Search Tree. Course in CS dept called Data Structures. considers how to store collections of data.

if indexed, instead of O(n), it will take O(log n), or 20 searches for a million records.

we are skipping ch 1 hands on 2. we are on page 581, ch 1 hands on 3.

Quiz next time we meet; also Excel exam

The quiz on Ch4 in lecture book.
from SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2011 until

Read, do quickchecks of Ch 6

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Goal Seek
within the PMT function

I can fiddle with some numbers

Solver -- more advanced -- goal seek on steroids

Solver can fiddle with multiple cells
Solver can solve for a maximum or minimum
Solver can work within constraints

Pivot Table
Pivot Chart

CSV file = comma separated value

difference between raw data and information
PivotTables and PivtoChartsCharts are more dynamic than Subtotal

Filtering and Advanced Filtering

in advanced filtering, within same row, it means AND
within diff rows, means OR

Financial Formulas

1) What function should I use?

2) Once I determine that, what should be the parameters



but not

What about J?sh
Not Joosh
Not Jsh

Microsoft Access requires an actual file to work against. diff from word and excel

Many changes to your Access file cannot be undone.
Many changed to your Access file are automatically saved.

RDBS - relational database system
store your data, has ways of processing, viewing, asking questions about your data

Database: collection of Tables
Table: collection of records
Record: collection of fields
Field: one unit of information

Web Page Assignment

The web page assignment is due the day of the final exam.

But, all the files and directories making up your web pages assignment must end up in the public_html directory of your UNIX account. The filename of your main web page must be called index.html and located directly in the public_html directory of your UNIX account. Your web page assignment has to have at least the following:
  • Pictures - Create a directory called pictures in your public_html directory. Don't forget to set the proper permissions for the pictures directory. Place all of the image files (pictures) you are using in all of your web pages in the pictures directory.
  • About me - Create a web page (html file), in your public_html directory, describing yourself. Include a "photo", real or imagined, of yourself on this web page. Create a link to this web page in your main web page (index.html).
  • My family - Create a web page (html file), in your public_html directory, describing your family. You can link to their web pages from there or include scanned pictures if you like! Create a link to this web page in your main web page (index.html). This web page should use CSS, referring to the external style sheet.
  • My friends - Create a web page (html file), in your public_html directory, describing your friends. You can link to their web pages from there or include scanned pictures if you like! Create a link to this web page in your main web page (index.html). This web page should use CSS, referring to the external style sheet.
  • My hobbies - Create a directory called hobbies in your public_html directory. Don't forget to set the proper permissions for the hobbies directory. Create a web page (html file), in the hobbies directory, that describes your hobby. Provide links to at least 2 web sites that deal with your hobby and you can put pictures there too. Create a link to this web page in your main web page (index.html).
  • Queens College - Create a link to the college's main web page in your main web page (index.html).

Be Creative!!!


Make it look nice!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Practice Excel Exam 1.
Practice Excel Exam 2.
Practice Excel Exam 3.
Practice Excel Exam 4.
Practice Excel Exam 5.
Excel Review Presentation.

Download for Excel practice examsExam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

Exam 4

Exam 5

Read through Ch 6, do the quickchecks

What needs to be done:
better review of financial functions
Goal Seek
Pivot Tables

HW: Do practice exercises for this chapter (excel ch 3 and 4)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Word exam walkthrough

Practice Word Exam.
Word practice exam file,  

Word exam:

Formula auditing

debugging your formulas
evaluate formula is one suich debugging tool

trace precedents (draws arrows...)
trace dependents (draws arrows...)

Relative reference - get changed as copy formula
Absolute reference - stays put

Using the Name Box, you can give Names to Absolute references

FUNCTION is basically a named operator


5 + 4
5 and 4 are operands

operands we call parameters or arguments

we covered some basic functions

Number formatting:
There is a diff between the actual value stored in a cell and the way it displays.

Superman III, Office Space
maybe use the round function

Read through Ch 5 in the Lecture Book
Do quickchecks
No Quiz next week. Instead, a Word exam

IF function
VLOOKUP function

Do Practice Exercises for ch 2 in Excel
(you might want to also look at the mid-level exercises, since that won't have as much hand-holding, and you want to be able to develop and intuition about writing formulas, to prepare for the Excel hands-on exam.)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

has many worksheets

literals vs formulas

sometimes you will make a mistake
formula auditing is a "debugging" tool
Evaluate Formula

Word exam (hands on) - Nov 6

next week, Oct 30, quiz
on material from
plus, lecture book, ch 3, all sections

Please finish Ch 4 in lecture book
do the quickchecks

From lab book, do Practice Exercises for Ch1 of Excel

start with HTML images
for the src tag, you can give relative or absolute paths

we can store on the same webserver, or pull images from a different webserver
this means that it is on the same webserver

What I just did, pulling the image from another webserver is called "hotlinking".

not nice; not a good idea
"stealing" bandwidth

we got up to the end of lists
that is it for now for HTML

CSS - cascading style sheets

font tag, and other tags were deprecated

CSS Syntax
together, they form a CSS rule

simple selectors are based on the tag
class selectors, id selectors

We will start our web pages:
1) log in using WinSCP
2) We will create a folder called public_html
3) We will create a file called main.html inside the public_html folder
4) we will see our webpage in a webbrowser

hostname of OUR webserver is:
username: wajo5678
password: 12345678

three groups:
you, group, universe
actions: read, write, execute

octal means base 8
so far, we have seen base 10 (decimal); base 2 (binary);
each 3 bits corresponds to a single octal digit, for the sake of setting permissions

chmod 705 main.html
would change the permissions to give all rights to the owner, none to the group, and read and execute to the universe

to see your webpage:

404 error: not found
you typed the URL wrong
or filename isn't actually in public_html

403 error: forbidden
you didn't set the permissions correctly

Every folder has two folder within it
One is called .
means myself
One is called ..
means parent

cmd line (DOS), text based interface to the Operating System

cd means change directory (a directory is a folder)
cd .
cd ..

HW: (not to hand it)
go home, log in to WinSCP, make an html page called new.html, put something there
Also, edit main.html


Sunday, October 16, 2011

something called an IP address
a 32-bit number
that means that there are 4 bytes in an IP address

hard to remember IP addresses
DNS - domain name server
will give you IP addresses in return for domain names

hosts file in a specific folder on your computer

can use it to block web sites
scammers can use it, so nowadays, only edit as admin

everything from the :// until the first / after that


TLDs - top level domain
TLAs = three letter acronym


countries have their own top level domain


www is a subdomain within is the "real" domain

Dr. Svitak's website

eniac.cs is the subdomain
This is NOT really
It is a Phishing scheme

Let us pretend that my name is Joshua Waxman and my CunyFirst ID is 12345678

hostname of OUR webserver is:
login: first two letters of YOUR last name +
first two letters of YOUR first name +
last 4 digits of your CunyFirst ID
my login: wajo5678
my password: 12345678

#1: lowercase
#2: maybe the first and lastnames are reversed
#3: it is YOUR information, not mine
#4: if it still doesn't work, see Xiuyi

HW: Go home and install WinSCP on your computer
(or Fugu / TextWrangler if you have a Mac)

Usually, web pages are stored on web server
Your web browser is called the client

When you load up a webpage by typing in a URL

you are sending an "HTTP request"

You type in:

something like: GET /wiki/Main_Page http/1.1
to host:

The webserver responds with an Http response
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
followed by the contents of the requested html page

web client receives it, and renders it

other responses:
404 Page not found
403 Forbidden

The Web is NOT the Internet
it is one of the services available on the internet

there is software called WinSCP
is windows software for editing files remotely, and file transfer

if you have a Mac, you will need Fugu instead
follow this link

If you a PC (most of you do):

Make sure you don't download the Beta version

What is Beta?
What is Alpha?
make sure to get the stable version

Finish Ch 3 in lecture book
(includes quickchecks)
Begin Ch 4 in lecture book
(sections A and B)

next time we meet (next week), quiz
on material from SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2011
as well as Ch 2 in lecture book

Other ways of storing pictures

Pictures, Clip Art, Word Art, Symbols

Do practice exercises for Word, Ch 3

Word exam (hands-on), 3 weeks from now
Will be on ch 1-4 in the book,
plus Mail merge

A sample exam:

Dr. Svitak's website:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lab book: practice exercises for ch 2, maybe ch 3
Lecture book: ch 3, section A - C
Do the QuickChecks at the end of each section

Quiz next time we meet (two sundays from now):
everything from prev quiz until last week's material
that includes some basic HTML
also, Ch 1 in the lecture book

freeware, open source software

open source = they give you the source code = the instructions written in some programming language
find, create, publish open source software for free

more HTML
a is for anchor

we finished HTML links on w3schools

anatomy of a URL:
Uniform Resource Locator

hypertext transfer protocol
webclient and webserver communicate in this http protocol
it is secure
bank websites

domain indicates the computer is a domain is a domain

port is a number, for most websites, optional

scheme, or protocol, is the way we define the structure of the information

web technologies

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

to d/l the files for the lab book


we got up to html paragraphs at w3schools

Sunday, September 25, 2011

3 levels of formatting
* Character level
* paragraph level
* section level

Word, Ch 1, practice exercises
Lecture Book, Ch 2, the quickchecks at the

end of each section

In lab, we finished Ch 2, hands-on-exercise 3. But we have not completed hands-on exercise 4 yet, so no practice exercises from the end of that chapter.

** file extensions, how we can see them, what

they mean


file extensions mark the TYPE of the file

TXT  = text
file associations
In old Operating Systems (like MS-DOS), you would first start the program, then you would open the file in the program

In modern Operating Systems, there are file associations. If the extension is .docx, then docx is associated with Microsoft Word. It will launch the program automatically.

In Access,

In web pages:

In Word:
.doc = word 2003 file (also word 97)
.docx = word 2007, 2010
.docm = macro enabled document

Sunday, September 18, 2011

HTML - the language people use to make web pages

we read thru until HTML paragraphs


* Macros in Word
Mail Merge

Visual Basic is a programming language
Visual Basic for Applications is a programming language


Mail Merge
* need database (of patients)
* template document


8 bits = byte
4 bits = nibble
2 bytes = word
4 bytes = dword
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
2^10 = 1024
2^20 bytes = approx 1 million = 1 megabyte
2^30 bytes = approx 1 billion = 1 gigabyte
trilobite = Trilobites (play /ˈtraɪləbaɪt/, /ˈtrɪləbaɪt/; meaning "three lobes") are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita
2^40 bytes = terabyte

also in computer speed
bigger number, faster the computer, more powerful

we saw how to convert from binary to decimal
11010111 is 215 in binary

Convert 24 to binary
Convert 124 to binary

What is 1000111 in decimal?
What is 10010 in decimal?

First quiz -- two weeks from now. up to this.

counting in binary, adding in binary

A comp can store #s
How do we store letters?
we store them as numbers
ASCII - american standard code for information interchange
ASCII chart
how many poss different characters can we store?
7 bits = 128 poss values
extended ASCII, using all 8 bits
256 possible values


How do I encode colors?
pixels = picture element
in a 256 color bitmap
1 pixel = 1 byte

16 colors; each pixel = 1 nibble
monochrome, each pixel = 1 bit

True color
takes 3 bytes per pixel
red green blue
256 poss values for each

HW: Lecture book, quickcheck at the end of each lettered section in chapter 1

Word Exam walkthrough

Practice Word Exam.
Word practice exam file, 

Word exam:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to CS12, Sunday!

Joshua Waxman

* Lecture -- concepts of computers
* Lab -- hands on skills, microsoft office

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, 10th Edition, Comprehensive (New Perspectives Series)

Big diff bet Office 2003 and Office 2007
Exploring Microsoft Office 2007 Vol. 1 (3rd Edition) (Spiral-bound)

I-building, help desk

* three lab exams (word - 10%, excel - 25%, access - 25%)
* powerpoint project - 5%
* lecture exam - 10%
* hw - 10%
* web project - 10%
* quizzes - 10%

What do you need to do the lab exercises and lab homeworks?
* data - from prentice hall's website
* programs - Microsoft Ultimate Steal (Professional Academic Edition)

1 point = 1/72"

memory (RAM)
math ability

CPU - central processing unit. contains:
*ALU - arithmetic / logic unit
*control unit

von Neumann architecture

instead of specialized machines
universal computer, general purpose computer

hardware -- physical components
software -- instructions, computer programs

fetch-execute cycle

computer program: a bunch of instructions

1. Say: Please enter a #
2. Get a number, store it in X
3. Say: Please enter another #
4. Get a number, store it in Y
5. Add X and Y, store it in Z
6. Say: X + Y = Z
7. Go to step 1

IP: instruction pointer (within the control unit)

Artificial Intelligence
Alan Turing - Turing test

Don't need to get this, but C++ Express Edition

In C++
// calculator1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int x, y, z;
    cout << "Please enter a #: ";
    cin >> x;
    cout << "Please enter another #: ";
    cin >> y;
    z = x + y;
    cout << x << " + " << y << " = " << z << endl;
    goto beginning;
    return 0;

A computer only understands machine language

assembly language

there will be a computer program which takes an assembly language program as input, will spit out the machine language program as output

still annoying

programming languages:
Visual Basic, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Prolog, Lisp

we need to translate it

Visual basic:
For I = 1 to 10
    Msgbox "Hello there!"

* compiler
* interpreter

interpreted is slower
you get to send the original plaintext instructions for an interpreted languages

C++ compiled language
Javascript interpreted languages

how do I make a 9 page paper into a 10 page
* line spacing (multiple and exactly)
* adjust the margins
* increase size of period
* add footnotes and images
* add meaningful text
* font face. fixed width, proportional width
* letter spacing
* widow and orphan protection
