Sunday, September 18, 2011


* Macros in Word
Mail Merge

Visual Basic is a programming language
Visual Basic for Applications is a programming language


Mail Merge
* need database (of patients)
* template document


8 bits = byte
4 bits = nibble
2 bytes = word
4 bytes = dword
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
2^10 = 1024
2^20 bytes = approx 1 million = 1 megabyte
2^30 bytes = approx 1 billion = 1 gigabyte
trilobite = Trilobites (play /ˈtraɪləbaɪt/, /ˈtrɪləbaɪt/; meaning "three lobes") are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita
2^40 bytes = terabyte

also in computer speed
bigger number, faster the computer, more powerful

we saw how to convert from binary to decimal
11010111 is 215 in binary

Convert 24 to binary
Convert 124 to binary

What is 1000111 in decimal?
What is 10010 in decimal?

First quiz -- two weeks from now. up to this.

counting in binary, adding in binary

A comp can store #s
How do we store letters?
we store them as numbers
ASCII - american standard code for information interchange
ASCII chart
how many poss different characters can we store?
7 bits = 128 poss values
extended ASCII, using all 8 bits
256 possible values


How do I encode colors?
pixels = picture element
in a 256 color bitmap
1 pixel = 1 byte

16 colors; each pixel = 1 nibble
monochrome, each pixel = 1 bit

True color
takes 3 bytes per pixel
red green blue
256 poss values for each

HW: Lecture book, quickcheck at the end of each lettered section in chapter 1

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